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Welcome to Amplified Credit

Please fill out the information below.

Date Of birth

*Legal Disclaimer:*  
Amplified Credit is a lead referral company and is not a lender. We work exclusively with financial service providers who comply with Canadian laws and regulations. 

*neo credit card*  
- *Cashback Rewards:* Earn instant cashback on purchases across Canada, with exclusive rewards at thousands of locations¹.
- *Interest & Fees:* Interest is calculated daily on the total closing balance and is applied monthly. Interest rates are annual and may change without notice². Standard transaction fees do not apply, except for a 2.50% foreign exchange fee on foreign currency transactions. Expedited card replacement incurs a $29 fee³.
- *Monthly Cashback Limits:* Cashback rewards may be subject to monthly limits, varying by category, perks, offers, and partner arrangements. A monthly spending cap of $300 may apply for maximum cashback benefits³.
- *Eligibility Requirements:* Applicants must 1) be the age of majority in their province or territory of residence, 2) be a Canadian resident, and 3) provide required security funds⁴.
- *Payment Terms:* Full and timely monthly payments are required to maintain benefits⁵. 
- *Quebec Residents:* Statements are issued monthly with no monthly or annual fees. A 21-day grace period applies. The minimum payment is the greater of $10.00 or 5% of the total balance. Purchase interest rates range from 19.99% to 24.99%, and cash advance rates from 22.99% to 25.99%⁶.
- *Recognition:* Recognized in the “Canada’s Choice” awards, voted on October 19, 2021⁸. 

Top-up limits may vary monthly and are capped at $50 per month¹⁰.

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